
American Pitbull Terrier Braun Weiß

The Best 25 American Pitbull Terrier Braun Weiß - Pitbull Terrier / American Bully Pitbull Terrier / American Bully Pitbull Terrier / American Bully Pitbull Terrier / American Bully Pitbull Terrier American Pitbull Terrier / American Bully Rasse Standardization Age: 15 weeks old We are still looking for 7 (1. 1.500 | 25524 Oelixdorf) of our total of 16 Welpen. American Pitbull Terriers have medium-sized eyes, and all colors other than blue are accepted in dog shows. The eyes can be round or mandelfrmig. When an American Pitbull Terrier is agitated, the sway can move upward and over the ridges, or it can stand upright with only a slight tilt of the head.

Pit Bull Terrier-Welpen: Wurftag 08.08.2020, wei / schwarz und braun, Zchter/Zwinger "PITBULL/AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER", Bonn (Nordrhein-Westfalen). New offers are posted on Snautz.de on a regular basis. American Pitbull Terrier We have decided, with a heavy heart, to pass on our final Hndin from the summer of 2021 in good health. Our Martha was born on 22.6.21 along with seven other Welpen and has grossed 950,- in our home and garden with children and other animals. Jung's Geprfte Identitt.

Wurfgre: 5 - 7. Geschlechtsreife: Wurfgre: 5 - 7. Fellcolors include wei, schwarz, and braun. Fellart: naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Felllnge: brief. Character / Wesen: self-aware, loyal, and obedient. Behaviour: necessitates a lot of running and stretching. American Pit Bull - Information on the breed. The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier can be traced back to the Middle Ages, as described in Wesen & Character of the American Pit Bull Terrier. The well-trained and socialized American Pit Bull Terrier has a calm and attentive demeanor. Despite the fact that the rasse has a bad reputation, her reizschwelle is quite high when education is done lovingly, consistently, and with a focus on socialization with the environment.

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