On the surface, Sesame Street seems to be a harmless, family-friendly program that may delight youngsters while also assisting them in developing into well-rounded adults. However, upon closer examination, you will discover that it is really operated by a gang of satanic worshippers who want to indoctrinate your children into a wicked organization of lizard people intent on conquering the globe. This website has ceased to function as a source of memes for the general public. In a last-ditch effort to conserve the material we've already invested so much time in posting here, we're shifting each meme back a page, and the new page 1 of each dump on this site will just be a snazzy widget showcasing our t-shirts and other goods. Now that you're aware of this, you may either browse the shirts (new ones are added regularly) or go straight to Emeute Apparel, our online shop. There is no guarantee that this will work, therefore you will continue to see links pointing to our new site. Gentleman with no taste
There was a great deal to learn. This encompasses everything from the alphabet's sounds to numbers and poetry, not to mention those lovely characters. Today, though, things are somewhat different. Social media's rebellion has given Sesame Street a new moniker. As a result, dark-humored Bert and Ernie memes are sweeping the internet. If youâ€TMve been missing out on the raunchy and notorious funny fun, hereâ€TMs a little peek at what to anticipate.