
Bilderkennung Lens Google Suche Mit Bild

Google introduced âGoogle Lensâ at its just concluded #IO17 Keynote as an Android extension that aims to make both the Google Assistant and the Google Photos image management far more intelligent. The software should be capable of associating meaning to images in the broadest sense, from which further actions might be deduced. Thus, Lens demonstrates not just Google's existing capabilities for image and object recognition, but also the increasingly available capabilities for further processing using artificial intelligence. Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO, demonstrated very proudly how Google Lens would be capable of doing from the start. If a user photographs a barcode on the underside of a router, for example, the smartphone equipped with Google Lens may instantly connect to the WiFi network identified in this manner.

Along with objects in the image, Google Lense can recognize text. (Source: Google) Google included more developer-facing interfaces into its Android operating system, allowing for the easier integration of virtual objects into real-world environments. Apple, too, places a high premium on applications of this kind based on the so-called expanded reality (Augmented Reality). Additional announcements from the iPhone maker are expected at the Apple developer conference WWDC in early June. Google views virtual reality, in which users may immerse themselves in knstliche worlds through special lenses, as a "decade-long wager," according to Bavor. "If it's a twenty-chapter book, we're probably in Chapter 2, 3 or 4 - but in any case, we're still at the beginning." Everyone in the industry, including Google, was concerned about how long it would take to incorporate the technology's fundamentals. "The technology will need some more time to mature - which is OK. For me, the question is not if VR will arrive, but when and how precisely it will arrive."

The Photo-Feature for Visitenkarten is particularly useful for business contacts. On request, the data stored there will be automatically added to the contacts list. The KI enables users to automatically connect to a WLAN network by photographing the manufacturer's label on their routers. Google has already announced this feature at the 2017 Google I/O conference. (PC-Welt)

Utilize Google-Bildersuche in reverse on the iPhone from iphone-tricks.de Find similar images to the one you're looking for. Branchenf14hrende exactitude in terms of image recognition. Consider image searches on the internet. ffnen sie den ordner auf ihrem computer, with dem sie mit der google-bildersuche nicht only nach bestimmten Motiven und Fotos per Texteingabe suchen können. You analyze images and look for similar muster types. o»°1412°34°14°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34°34° Google already makes use of automatic image recognition in a number of its products. Look for an image. Do two images have the same subject?

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