
Dia De La Mujer Quotes

El 8 de marzo de 1977, la Asamblea General de la ONU proclamó oficialmente el Dia Internacional por los Derechos de la Mujer y la Paz Internacional. El 2011 marca el centenario del Dia Internacional de la Mujer, y la ONU inaugura la entidad for la Igualdad de Gnero y el Empoderamiento de la Mujer (ONU mujeres).

According to the United Nations, March 8 is International Women's Day, also known as International Women's Day. It is a day dedicated to women and their struggle for equality of opportunity and rights. We've compiled a list of quotes and felicitations for Women's Day that fundamentally honors all women and their hearts as workers, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and esposas... for their work as MUJERS in general, which is significant and vital.

65. «It is not necessary to be Jewish to resist antisemitism, nor is it necessary to be black to fight racism. Regrettably, it seems at times that in order to overcome female discrimination, it is necessary to be female.» Soledad Gallego-Daz66 «True igualdad presupone que todos rendan cuentas de la misma manera, independiente de la raza, gnero, fe, origen tnico, o ideologa pol­tica.» M3nica Crowley

Climate change is one of the most significant global challenges of the twenty-first century, having a significant influence on the economic, social, and environmental development of nations.

Considerando que son el sector de la poblaci3n más marginalizado y vulnerable, se pretende reconocer la inestimable contribuci3n de las nias y mujeres a la mitigación y adaptaci3n al cambio climático a nivel mundial. This will enable us to achieve a more sustainable future for all of the planet's inhabitants.

Dia Internacional De La Mujer Quotes


Feliz Dia De La Mujer Quotes

#4. Stanley Kubrick had a major influence. Individuals accuse me of never using my own work. However, when did Kubrick? When you look at his films, you see that they are entirely distinctive... that they exist as distinct beings. - Frank Darabont is the author. #5. I was a room that was not occupied. Within, the music generates little more than a dry, empty echo. - Haruki Murakami

According to the United Nations, March 8 is International Women's Day, also known as International Women's Day. It is a day dedicated to women and their struggle for equality of opportunity and rights. We've compiled a list of quotes and felicitations for Women's Day that fundamentally honors all women and their hearts as workers, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and esposas... for their work as MUJERS in general, which is significant and vital.

According to legend, March 8 is Women's Day. The beauty, the enchantment, and the fact that you are so devoted to your job make you the year's woman. I have the most beautiful woman in the world: her name is vos. My best wishes for you, lady, from the depths of my heart and soul.

Dia De La Mujer 2021 Quotes


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