Emil is permitted to go alone to Berlin for the first time. Seine Mutter und die Kusine Pony H1tchen erwarten ihn auf dem Blumenstand in der Friedrichstrae. However, Emil does not appear, at least not on the next train. While the Gromutter and Pony H14tchen debate what they should do, Emil has already embarked on an exciting Verfolgungsjagd. Quer durch die groe fremde Stadt, always behind the Dieb, der ihm sein ganzes Geld am Zug gestohlen has. Emil soon receives assistance: from Gustav with the Hupe and his Jungs. ° o12 3 On-line
Frau Tischbein takes her son to the station and instructs him on how to properly apply the money notes.
When they meet with Wachtmeister Jeschke, Emil fears that his trip to Berlin will be in vain, as he and a few other Sch14lern conspire to deface the Groherzog Karl Schabernack's Denkmal with a Hut and a Bart. They fled from Wachtmeister Jeschke, although he may have recognized Emil. Emil wishes for nothing more than a pleasant journey.