
Homer Simpson Gehirn Röntgen

The American Dream is a way of life. A magnificent house in Springfield, Missouri, USA, where he lives with his wife Marge and three children. A position at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant on a full-time basis. A sufficient amount of Duff beer to calm a horse. What is the worst-case scenario? Nuclear Safety Inspector, Sector 7G, is my profession. He wields the destiny of a nuclear disaster in his palms. Yes, this is the ideal profession for a slothful slob who enjoys napping on the job just as much as he enjoys dozing in church. As a nuclear safety inspector with little education, no work ethic, and no impulse control, Springfield has escaped the fate of Chernobyl.

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Score and level of Super Power

Each Super Power is assigned a score (SPS) that is used to determine its Class. Additionally, each Super Power has three tiers (SPL). When the Super Power is associated with a character, the level is established. The level dictates the ultimate score assigned to the Super Power employed in the computation.

He likes dancing, eating donuts, drinking, hugging, driving a sit-down arcade racer, playing the piano, and horseback riding. "Stuart Little," "Barney Train," and "Ride the Champion Mechanical Horse" are three of his favorite child rides. Homer works as a low-level safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant in Sector 7G, despite his frequent incompetence and negligence. He often congregates at Moe's Tavern with his buddies Barney Gumble, Carl Carlson, Lenny Leonard, and Moe Szyslak. At home, he is often seen idly watching television while munching on snacks and drinking Duff. Additionally, Homer is the sole child of Abraham Simpson II and Mona Simpson. When enraged, he often strangles Bart for putting him under duress. Despite his shared hatred for his wife's sisters, Patty and Selma Bouvier, he pretended to be Selma's husband in order for her to adopt Ling and consented to serve as the minister for Patty's planned lesbian marriage. As a consequence, Homer is legally her adopted father. [37]

On June 13th, 2014, Redditor OSUperson created the topic "I created a generator for Homer Backing Into Things. Can anybody think of some amusing ones? "to the Simpsons subreddit, which included a link to the generator, which let users to submit a picture file in lieu of the GIF's fence. Numerous media publications and websites, including On The Media and The Journal, published the generator.

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