
Teste Dich Liebe Ich Ihn Wirklich

The Medical De-Humanization of the World: What we are now seeing is nothing more nor less than the annulment of the hippocratic eid: More precisely, his reversal into the other direction. This Eid applies to all those who are employed in the health care system, inasmuch as they are obligated to do all possible to safeguard the public's welfare and to avoid any harm caused by them. Now it has been officially determined that Geimpfte (!) are a life-threatening hazard for Ungeimpfte. Because the nanotechnology-based vaccines developed in laboratories will cause the pandemics that the Coronavirus (which has never been proven and has been classified by the WHO as a ânormale saisonale Grippeâ) has never caused. I have been able to demonstrate, via dozens of graphics depicting the mortality rate for the Corona Year 2020, that in this âPandemic-Year,â nowhere on the globe has reached an unanticipated level of bersterblichkeit: In many parts of the world, there was even a degree of servitude. What the Corona-Pandemie Saga has already elevated to the highest level of medical history. It is becoming more clear that the true Pandemic is not Corona, but Impfung.

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Whether it's love, friendship, sexuality, work, or daily life, we face difficulties in a variety of spheres of life. Who am I truly? Which abilities and weaknesses do I possess? How do I affect others? How large is my Self-Value-Gef144hl? Am I consuming an excessive amount of alcohol? Do I suffer from Internet addiction? How well-versed am I in general knowledge? Which house pet is right for me... there are a plethora of questions that may be answered with the aid of self-tests. Then it says, "Test yourself," and one is immediately drawn into one's own psyche. Erste Frage, zweite Frage, dritte Frage... manchmal weiß man ALREADY während eines Psychotests, in which direction the result will go or if one would do well or poorly on a quiz. At the end of the day, though, reading the results of psychological exams is always interesting. Additionally, our test "How kind are you really?" which you may begin above, will teach you a lot about yourself at the end. If you haven't already, click through if you haven't!

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