What were the nuts and bolts of production like on your end, Erin? What were your initial steps? Erin: Graphic design. Constantly design. They'll provide us the opening, wherever it is at the moment, and we'll begin placing type on top of it, doing motion tests, and generally getting a sense of the many ways they may take it. We concentrated on three areas for Vol. 2: the first was creating three-dimensional typography that was incorporated throughout the whole title sequence in the space, similar to how Guardians of the Galaxy was. Then we looked at adding some 2D options on top and then at some flat type caused by dimensional objects. Thus, creating a small hovering character that projected a hologram onto the screen is an entirely novel concept. They were all like, âHoly shite, that's awesome!â
Set against the background of 'Awesome Mixtape #2,' Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team's journey across the cosmos's farthest reaches. As they unravel the mysteries surrounding Peter Quill's true parentage, the Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together. As the Marvel cinematic world continues to grow, old adversaries will transform into new friends, and fan favorites from the original comics will come to our heroes' help. Select moments from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be specifically designed to display viewers up to 26 percent more picture than normal theaters, creating a completely immersive experience. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be digitally remastered for the IMAX 3D Experience® using IMAX DMR® (Digital Re-mastering) technology. The crystal-clear visuals, along with IMAX's special theatre geometry and strong digital audio, create a setting unlike any other, transporting spectators into the film.
I recently saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and returned to peruse some of their press materials for fun. That's when I discovered a sketch GOG did on Jimmy Kimmel titled Guillermo in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which I initially dismissed as a publicity stunt for the film. However, I returned to the film and skipped through it for a few minutes, which is when I discovered a single shot in which you can see Guillermo. I realize this is quite childish, but I thought it was quite amusing that he was actually in the film.
Rather of focusing on the expanding ensemble, Vol. 2 concludes with an emotional shot of Rocket, the team's little and salty raccoon mercenary voiced by Bradley Cooper. It's an unexpected decision, and when I recently met down with filmmaker James Gunn, I inquired as to when and why he decided it was the way he intended to conclude his picture. âBy the time I reached the storyboarding process, I was certain it would conclude with that shot,â he said. âI considered pausing on the shot preceding it, the one with Yondu's ashes and the arrow, but at the end of the day, so much of this film is about Rocket to me. It's about his incapacity to connect and believe in himself in any way.â