
Yseult Corps Victoire De La Musique

Culture, Music, and Festivals Yseult, corps d'armée The singer, who resides in Brussels, has closed her record label in order to pursue an independent career, earning the title of female rvlation at the Victoires de la music. ©BELGAIMAGE Camille Paix, for the sake of Liberty Yseult stood in the center of the stage, her eyes closed and her body trembling with movement. The counterpoint: bodies so close together, cries and screams, trpignements, and an unknown audience. Point de jalousie, we who would donate our kingdom (a lovely two-piece, if a little humid) for a performance. This evening, at the Victoires de la musique, Yseult...

This is one of the performances that marked the 36th anniversary of the Victoires de la musique on Friday, February 12. Yseult, winner of the category "feminine revlation," not only gave her voice in song, but also during her post-prize speech. She is the female counterpart of the Victoires de la musique 2021. The singer Yseult was at the Seine Musicale de Boulogne-Billancourt on the evening of 12 February for the 36th ceremony honoring the year's best French musical talents. The 26-year-old young artist dominated the evening on many fronts: her attire, her performance, and the speech she delivered after her prize acceptance.

Read our interview with Camlia Jordana: Camlia Jordana: « I speak about what bothers me.» What a long road ahead of us to ensure that women have a legitimate position in contemporary music! In 2018, their presence was estimated to be 5% as instrumentalists and 17% as enrolled Sacem autrices. Thus, for these 36th Victories, nine women (about one-third) are named among the 26 nominees, including Camlia Jordana, Aya Nakamura, Pomme, Suzane, and Yseult.

The singer published an open letter on the information website Mediapart in which she described how her entry into the industry had been traumatizing. She recalled that by 2020, the #musictoo campaign on social media had amassed « more than 300 tmoignages de harclement, agressions, et viols, perpetrated in 98 percent of cases by males against women ». « I am hopeful that this new female generation will impose itself and rewrite the rules », Pomme, female artist of the year

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