
Mera Amber Heard Justice League Aquaman

We've known for a while that Amber Heard would play the formidable aquatic beauty Mera in Zack Snyder's forthcoming Justice League film â and subsequently in the standalone Aquaman film â but now we've been graced with an official first look at the reigning queen of Atlantis. Heard will be dressed in a green scaly suit for the part, replete with spiky royal headpiece, as previewed on the official Justice League Twitter account. âItâs interesting,â Heard remarked of the outfit a few months ago. âI'm wearing a half suit of armor, half scales, I know â it's odd, it's odd.â Strange? Nah. Fantastic? Absolutely. Photograph courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. DC Comics/Zack Snyder

Aquaman, a Justice League member, and Mera, his ocean queen, are set to make their film debuts in the near future. According to Variety, Warner Bros. is in negotiations with Amber Heard about the job. While Aquaman (Jason Momoa) is slated to enter the DC Comics film series in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Variety sources indicate that Heard's character will not appear until Justice League, which is scheduled to arrive in cinemas in late 2017. Additionally, the actress will participate in Aquaman, another series entry scheduled for release in 2018.

Mera is more than your average Atlantean; she is a strong (at times, too powerful for her own good) superheroine in her own right. Mera has the same strength and endurance as Aquaman, but her specialty is with water itself, bending it to her will... and, if necessary, evaporating every drop in a human body. It's difficult to say how Mera's presence in either Justice League or Aquaman will affect the tale, since it's still uncertain if the film will follow Aquaman already in place as King of Atlantis, with Mera by his side, or his quest of the throne while holding to his half-human identity. What do you think of Heard's casting now that she has confirmed the part, first in Justice League and then in James Wan's Aquaman? Does she strike you as an intriguing counterpoint to the hulking hero, or were you thinking of another actress? Let us know in the comments section and we'll keep you informed when official facts become available.

While defending himself, he impales her by accidently pushing her onto an overturned piece of metal. Believing her to be dead, he arranges for her to be put in a coffin and transported to the royal palace. She did, however, live as a result of her extraterrestrial nature. She furiously tells Aquaman, as she rises from her casket, how little he understood about her. Mera abandons Atlantis and returns to Dimension Aqua, finding no need to stay on Earth. [13] The Queen's Return [edit]

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